The Social Innovation Lab is pleased to announce that Professor Jaideep Prabhu from the University of Cambridge will offer an open lecture at BRAC on Tuesday, April 3 from 2:30-3:30PM in Meeting Room...Read More
Guest post by Umniyat Choudhury As a SIL intern researching the demand for youth-centric finance, I visited an ADP (Adolescent Development Programme) beauty skills training class to hear what the ...Read More
Let’s face it – everyone’s a critic in one way or another. There is no question about that. The question, then, is one of objectivity vs. subjectivity in a place where being subjective is the ob...Read More
There are an incredible number of thoughtful and exciting initiatives taking place around the world. Here are a few we read about this week that are particularly interesting: Development as freedom....Read More
Last month, the Social Innovation Lab had the opportunity and honor to arrange Innovation Day, where colleagues from all countries where BRAC has its interventions gathered to learn about innov...Read More
“Development Sector.” As soon as we hear this phrase, the first thing that comes in our mind is poor areas where people are suffering to meet even their basic needs. By most definitions, basic “...Read More
BRAC’s success is largely a result of its ability to develop and retain very talented staff. As one of our core values is inclusiveness, we also must ensure that we are advancing staff in an equit...Read More
Guest post by Manik Kumar Saha and Iffat Khan (Young Professionals, Batch 4) Thanks to the gains made over the past 40 years in primary education, secondary school is increasingly an urgent area of pr...Read More
Here is a hypothetical scenario: An issue arises on a project. A couple of meetings take place to discuss the outcome, and the positions are laid out. Resolution doesn’t occur and tempers may flair....Read More
Are you a BRAC staff person aged below 32 years? Is your organization working on innovative and sustainable projects that will improve urban-slum communities and the lives of young people? The answer ...Read More