The topic that I have thought of coming up with for the writing today is totally based on our internal experience that we have gone through and I am definitely proud of! May be not a super genius idea, but can be taken as an initiative towards innovation! I would like to share the ‘Inside Scoop’ ; currently working within our team of Social Innovation Lab.
Social innovation lab as a unit is very new and we were thinking of how to make it more organized so that we could achieve our set goal. Following that, we decided to hold a strong team bonding and make us updated on each other’s work. We also felt that there is nothing better and powerful than technology to disseminate information. So at that moment the idea of an ‘Inside Scoop’ came into action as a savior! Since we have a better opportunity with technology in head office we could easily go for that.
Most people think of blogs as only for public dissemination, but they actually can be really useful as an internal tool. We set up a private blog on which holds our own space, named it ‘Inside scoop’ and decided to have a record of our work as soon as we are done with that ! The blog is “invite only,” only our team members can access it. So each of us can write on it and can get the idea on what others are doing also it holds its confidentiality. We include events and meetings attended by us, what are our thoughts and even just our very own opinion. This is how we can organize our work and also thoughts just by digging into each other’s mind virtually. We use tags, labels (words we think are the key words for the scoop) to make the writing more organized. This helps us to find writing relevant to our work more easily.
It is not only the ease of work that Inside Scoop has provided made me like it so much. We as a member of Social Innovation Lab are thinking of how to create space for sharing knowledge with our peers and ‘Inside Scoop’ serves the purpose for us those who are working in SIL, fully. It is the space for SIL team to share their knowledge and idea. And I am really hopeful creating a virtual space within the programs can be a way to disseminate information more easily. Because it seems that not only programs are not sharing information with each other but also peers from same program have a communication gap due to work load and many other reasons. May be the reason is just not to have a proper way of sharing knowledge! Now our programs are huge individually and information dissemination is much more needed there. Many things are going on at the same time. So a space to share information like ‘Inside Scoop’ can be very much helpful for sure. And that is why I like it most – it can provide us a solution to a big problem we are having in head office at least regarding sharing information?knowledge with our peers.
To consider a virtual space for information and knowledge sharing, can we think of what are the barriers those have kept us away practicing it all these years. We being a small team can bring the benefit out of it. But what about other programs? Is it only to ensure access to technology or is it the culture of using technology that should be developed? If it is so, how we can change the mindset of people and change it to tech friendly? Also a practice of reading and writing is also needed in this case. But this we could take as a topic for our next blog!
Do you want to set up a blog for your team? It’s easy, and if you already have a gmail address, you can use it to create an account on