In 1988, Mosharraf Hossain was denied a job in the Bangladesh civil service. This wasn’t because he didn’t have the skills to do the job; he had a Masters in Economics from the University of Dhaka...Read More
“In 1973, in the earliest days of BRAC, when Sir Abed used to go to field in Sullah and Dherai, the journey was long and transport wasn’t as good as it is today. He would spend his days travelling...Read More
Innovation encompasses all the values of BRAC especially Effectiveness and Inclusiveness because innovation cannot take place in a vacuum and innovation usually comes out of doing things more effectiv...Read More
Back in 1995, the senior-most BRAC personnel informally acted as local representatives of BRAC activities in addition to their other job responsibilities. They became known as BRAC Local Representativ...Read More
Working with urban people is different than working with rural people But it’s not necessarily harder! That was one of the interesting conclusions that yesterday’s Innovation Forum organized by th...Read More