
KAM Morshed

Senior Director Advocacy, Innovation and MEAL, BRAC

He is the Senior Director, leading the advocacy, innovation, and MEAL (AIM) cluster of BRAC, one of the world’s largest anti-poverty organisations. In addition to his programmatic roles, he facilitates engagements with external partners, including the government, non-government and multilateral/bilateral agencies, to advance BRAC’s vision of a world free from exploitation.

Before joining BRAC in October 2015, Mr Morshed led Bangladesh’s Policy, Innovation and Communication teams at UNDP for over 10 years. In that role, he managed UNDP-government partnerships and supervised various programme interventions in the areas of ICT4D, MDGs, aid effectiveness, trade, and south-south cooperation.

Mr Morshed sponsored four successful start-ups, including the country’s first GIS Data Management/BPO company (1993), the first chain supermarket (2001), and the first Business Process Reengineering Consulting House (1999).

He joined his alma mater as a teacher in 1998, teaching MIS and public/development finance. As a professor and specialist, he led and participated in several notable process reengineering projects. He has published in peer-reviewed journals, newspapers and periodicals.


By KAM Morshed

By KAM Morshed


Closing message

Summary of the day. The DFS agenda for the future.


ThurSDAY | MAY 19, 2022

19:50 – 20:00 BST (GMT+6)
16:50 – 17;00 EAT (GMT+3)
09:50 – 10:00 EDT (GMT-4)

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